
Graphis Gold Award

Graphis Gold Award

Graphis Gold Award

Felices con el recién llegado Graphis Gold Award. Un oro en el Poster Annual 2022 entre 500 carteles de todo el mundo, por la serie de la temporada de ópera y zarzuela para Les Arts en equipo con Juan Miguel Aguilera.

Les Arts is the opera of Valencia. The opera season has a program of eight plays.
The objective was to create an identity poster campaign different from what had always been done. The opera in Valencia had communicated with photography until then. The change with a new image coincides with a new managment.

Operas and ‘zarzuelas’ (spanish opera) are timeless and universal stories. On them we work the symbols to connect with the most cultured public when it comes to attracting them to interpret such well-known works. And to give that differential value, we worked with illustration in a space of maximum simplicity on white backgrounds, which also allowed us greater visibility on urban advertising media, also connecting with the white color of the singular and monumental building by the architect Santiago Calatrava. The typographic unit -Gilroy, designed by Radomir Tinkov- guaranteed the unity of the campaign with the red of the showiness and passion that opera means.

The communication campaign with this collection of posters represented a break that the client and the public appreciated with the request for posters to frame in their homes.

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